Study on fabricating nanoporous silica as an inhibitor carrier for metal corrosion protection
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Nanoporous silica; Ionic liquid; Corrosion inhibitor.Abstract
The synthesis of nanoporous silica and its metal corrosion inhibitor carrying ability was reported, and the material can be used in the fabrication of smart coatings for metal protection. The synthesized nanoporous silica has a size of ≤ 200 nm, a surface area of ≥ 1000 m2/g, a capillary size of 16 ÷ 20 nm, and a corrosion inhibitor capacity of 10 ÷ 15% by mass. The study also showed the ability to increase the yield to 20 g of porous SiO2/batch when using the 600 rpm disk stirring method. The analysis of materials using FTIR, XRD, TGA, SEM, TEM allows the evaluation of the material's characteristics, the efficiency of the nanoporous silica materials synthesis, and the ability to carry inhibitors on the synthesized materials.
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