Optimization of compressive technology on the composition pyrotechnic based on Magnesium-Teflon-Viton with nano additives by Box-Behnken method



  • Nguyen Nam Son (Corresponding Author) Military Technical Academy
  • Dam Quang Sang Military Technical Academy
  • Hoang Thi Chung Hanoi University of Mining and Geology
  • Nguyen Van Tinh Military Technical Academy




MTV; Experimental planning; Compressive strength; Density.


            Nowadays, infrared decoy flares are one of the effective means used to protect aircraft against infrared guided missiles. In the infrared decoy projectile, the composition pyrotechnic based on Magnesium-Teflon-Viton (MTV) is granulated and compressed, or extruded into cylindrical pellets of various sizes. This article presents research on optimization of MTV pellets compression technology parameters including sample weight (g), compression pressure (tons) and compression holding time (s). The applied Box-Behnken experimental planning method has resulted in optimal density of 1.68 g/cm3 and compressive strength of 20.5 MPa (sample mass of 3.6 g, compression pressure of 1 ton and time pressure holding time 40 s).


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How to Cite

S. Nguyễn, S. Đàm, C. Hoàng, and T. Nguyễn, “Optimization of compressive technology on the composition pyrotechnic based on Magnesium-Teflon-Viton with nano additives by Box-Behnken method”, JMST, vol. 97, no. 97, pp. 83–89, Aug. 2024.



Chemistry, Biology & Environment