The solution integrates the automatic stabilization system with the original fire control system on the anti-aircraft gun on the coast guard ship



  • Truong Tat Thuan (Corresponding Author) Institute of Military Technical Automation, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Le Viet Hong Institute of Military Technical Automation, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Vu Hai Ha Institute of Military Technical Automation, Academy of Military Science and Technology



Euler angles; Fire control systems; Gun stabilization.


This article presents a solution to improve the fire control system of the 23mm-2ML anti-aircraft gun currently equipped on coast guard ships based on the integration of an automatic stabilization system with a available tracking control system. By indirectly calculating the amount of velocity compensation in the direction and range transmission channels through the relay angle parameters of the ship deck and the angles of the gun transmission system, the article proposes a solution to keep the fire control system intact existing force combined with additional compensation right at the joystick output. The solution has been rigorously mathematically proven.


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How to Cite

Trương Tất Thuấn, Lê Việt Hồng, and Vũ Hải Hà, “The solution integrates the automatic stabilization system with the original fire control system on the anti-aircraft gun on the coast guard ship”, JMST, no. CAPITI, pp. 19–25, Apr. 2024.



Research Articles