Target touch point determaining algorithm based on ultrasonic sensors



  • Vu Tran Phu (Corresponding Author) Institute of Military Technical Automation, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Pham Chi Thanh Institute of Military Technical Automation, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Vu Xuan Huy Institute of Military Technical Automation, Academy of Military Science and Technology



Ultrasonic shockwave; TDOA; Ultrasonic shooting target.


In this paper, the target touch point determaining algorithm based on ultrasonic sensors for evaluation shooting results is concerned. The target touch point determaining method is based on time difference of arival (TDOA) of ultrasonic shockwave to ultrasonic sensors. Derived equations are complicate nonlinear equations. In order to symplify in solving this equations, the sensor arrangement are considered for isolation of every unknown. The sensor arrangement diagram and target touch point determaining algorithm are proposed and strigly mathematically verified.


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How to Cite

Vũ Trần Phú, Phạm Chí Thành, and Vũ Xuân Huy, “Target touch point determaining algorithm based on ultrasonic sensors”, JMST, no. CAPITI, pp. 155–160, Apr. 2024.



Research Articles