A method for constructing dynamic S-boxes based on fractional transformation



  • Hoang Duc Tho (Corresponding Author) Academy of Cryptographic Techniques, Viet Nam Government Information Commission
  • Pham Quoc Hoang Academy of Cryptographic Techniques, Viet Nam Government Information Commission
  • Nguyen Thi Thu Nga Graduate University of Science and Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
  • Pham Van Quoc VNU University of Science




S-box; Fractional transformation; Nonlinearity; Differential probability; Linear probability; Dynamic S-box.


This article describes the method for constructing a dynamic S-box based on fractional transformation on a finite field. The article shows the conditions of S-box, such as S-box is bijective. After that, the article describes S-box properties: nonlinearity, linear approximation probability, differential approximation probability, and algebraic degree. The paper proves that some important cryptographic properties of S-box based on fractional transformation are independent of coefficients a,b,c, d. Based on this, we propose an encryption algorithm with a dynamic S-box.


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How to Cite

T. Hoang Duc, H. Pham Quoc, N. Nguyen Thi Thu, and Pham Van Quoc, “A method for constructing dynamic S-boxes based on fractional transformation”, JMST, vol. 100, no. 100, pp. 113–119, Dec. 2024.



Information technology & Applied mathematics