Calculation and simulation of low Earth satellite orbit using least-squares method and on-board GPS data: case study of VNREDSat-1 satellite
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Least squares; Low earth orbit satellite; Ground control station; VNREDSat-1.Abstract
The article focuses on describing the results of precise calculation and simulation of low Earth observation satellite orbits using Least-Squares Method and GPS data collected on-board satellite. The calculation and simulation tool is implemented on Matlab and tested for real data of the VNREDSat-1 satellite. The purpose of this tool is to improve the accuracy of calculating low Earth observation satellite orbits compared to the method of using Two-line Element Set (TLE) files according to the standards of NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command). The results achieved will contribute significantly to the process of mastering the technology of ground control stations for Earth observation satellites, especifically the Flight Dynamics Terminal which is responsible for precise orbit determination and maneuver and supporting mission planning.
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