Optimal slip estimator-based fixed-time control for anti-lock braking system in electric vehicles
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Anti-lock braking system; Fixed-time control; Global Sliding Mode Control; Optimal slip estimator.Abstract
The Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) is a safety system that prevents the wheels from locking during emergency braking, ensuring the driver can maintain control of the vehicle and optimize braking distance. Therefore, research and experimentation on a robust nonlinear controller applicable to this system are highly important and necessary. This study proposes a Fixed-Time Control (FTC) strategy, aiming to converge the slip deviation within a predetermined time interval calculated in advance. The research also suggests an optimal slip estimator combined with the controller to enhance system robustness when the vehicle operates under different road conditions. Global Sliding Mode Control (GSMC) is introduced for comparison with the proposed controller. Simulation results using CarSim software combined with MATLAB/ Simulink have demonstrated the feasibility of the system.
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