Improve the quality of precise control automatic welding robots with nonlinear uncertainties



  • Tran Duc Chuyen (Corresponding Author) University of Economics - Technology for Industries
  • Vo Thu Ha University of Economics - Technology for Industries
  • Nguyen Duc Dien University of Economics - Technology for Industries
  • Roan Van Hoa University of Economics - Technology for Industries
  • Do Quang Hiep University of Economics - Technology for Industries
  • Vu Duy Hung University of Economics - Technology for Industries
  • Nguyen Van Hai Trường Cao Đẳng Nghề Công Nghệ và Nông Lâm Phú Thọ



Welding robot; Industrial robot; Adaptive sliding mode control; RBF neural network; State observer.


This article presents a research method to design an adaptive sliding controller combined with an RNF neural network and a state observer for industrial robots in general and welding robots in particular; when taking into account the uncertain nonlinear factors: friction, elasticity, kinematics of the actuator, thereby improving the quality of precise control for the robot.


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How to Cite

Đức C. Trần, “Improve the quality of precise control automatic welding robots with nonlinear uncertainties ”, JMST, no. 77, pp. 39–51, Feb. 2022.



Research Articles