Failure load prediction of single-lap bonded joints by damage zone method



  • Truong Viet Hoai (Corresponding Author) Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Le Quy Don Technical University
  • Tran Duc Hoan Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Le Quy Don Technical University
  • Vu Minh Vinh Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Le Quy Don Technical University
  • Chu Van Huy Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Le Quy Don Technical University



Single-lap joint; Composite; Damage zone method; Finite element analysis; Failure load prediction.


The failure load of single-lap bonded joints with dissimilar adherend materials was predicted using the damage zone method. A number of six joint configurations with different thicknesses of the adherends were considered. Three-dimensional finite element models were built to represent the behavior of the bonded joints, and the damage zone method was applied to predict the failure loads of the joints. The predictions of failure loads of the joints were achieved, showing a good agreement between the numerical and the corresponding experimental results.


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How to Cite

H. Truong Viet, Tran Duc Hoan, Vu Minh Vinh, and Chu Van Huy, “Failure load prediction of single-lap bonded joints by damage zone method ”, JMST, no. 79, pp. 52–59, May 2022.



Research Articles