Simulation of vessel oscillation using parallel robot



  • Ha Huy Hung (Corresponding Author) Military Technical Academy
  • Hoang Quang Chinh Military Technical Academy
  • Nguyen Duc Anh Military Technical Academy
  • Tran Trung Kiên Institute of Military Technical Automation, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Le Cong Khanh Military Technical Academy



Parallel robots; Kinematics; Reproducing the ship's oscillations; Oscillation simulation.


This paper presents the research results of building a model for reproducing the vessel's oscillations based on a Gough - Stewart parallel robot with 6 degrees. Oscillation data at the vessel's center of gravity calculated by simulation software will be input to the model. The control system uses a simple PID controller to track the input trajectory. The simulation results on Matlab/Simulink software have shown the reproducing of vessel oscillations with the allowed error.


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How to Cite

H. Hà Huy, C. Hoàng Quang, A. Nguyễn Đức, K. Trần, and K. Lê Công, “Simulation of vessel oscillation using parallel robot”, JMST, no. 80, pp. 156–167, Jun. 2022.



Research Articles