Proposing an efficient implementation method for exponentiation in digital signature scheme on ring Zn



  • Nguyen Dao Truong (Corresponding Author) Academy of Cryptography Techniques
  • Le Van Tuan Military Technical Academy
  • Doan Thi Bich Ngoc University of Information and Communication Technology, Thai Nguyen University
  • Dang Duc Trinh Department of Information-Mathematics, Vietnam Military Medical University



Digital Signature Scheme; Discrete logarithm problem; Hash function.


In this paper, we propose a design method for the signature scheme based on ring structure Zn. Our signature schemes are more secure, generate signatures at a faster rate than that of the ElGamal scheme and its variants. Moreover, our approaches also overcome some disadvantages of some similar signature schemes on ring Zn. For these advantages, they are fully applicable in practice.


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How to Cite

D. T. Nguyen, Le Van Tuan, Doan Thi Bich Ngoc, and Dang Duc Trinh, “Proposing an efficient implementation method for exponentiation in digital signature scheme on ring Zn”, JMST, no. 83, pp. 72–81, Nov. 2022.



Research Articles