Research and design solar cell systems for electric car charging stations and parking lots
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Solar power systems; Electric car charging station; Parking; Electric car.Abstract
The current global energy crisis has caused many serious consequences. The increasing cost of gasoline and oil has forced governments to pay special attention to this sector. Recently, the price of gasoline and oil in Vietnam has increased to a record of more than 30,000 VND/liter, forcing people to change their needs and habits of using their means of transportation. With reasonable operating costs, the market penetration of electric cars (EC) can be seen as a promising alternative to vehicles with gasoline and diesel engines in order to reduce environmental pollution as well as operating costs. In this study, we designed and calculated the capacity for a solar charging station to charge electric cars (VFe34 of Vinfast) and electric bicycles for household use with a capacity of P = 9 kWp, capital = 179.672.000 VND. The payback period of the model is 5,2 years, and the estimated profit is 34.197.878 VND/year. With solar charging stations for 12 electric cars having an additional investment for independent solar charging station models, grid-tied solar charging stations with storage and without storage show that the efficiency is the profit of each model. The cost of materials is 759.176.000 VND for a grid-tied solar charging station, the payback is 4,1 years (from the third year onwards, more than 180 million VND per year). Instead of designing a conventional car charging station, this study has presented models of smart charging stations with integrated solar cells to demonstrate high efficiency and practical applications
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