Research and design the taper angle of a single use piston



  • Ngo Tien Sy (Corresponding Author) Weapon institute, Vietnam Defence Industry
  • Ho Van Khanh Weapon institute, Vietnam Defence Industry



Single use Piston; Piston - cylinder; Taper angle; Cylinder; Deformation.


In this paper, using numerical simulation combined with experiment, the most suitable design for piston taper angle in the single use piston of the piston - cylinder system has been proposed. The research process shows that, when the piston has a taper angle of 12o for the design of the cylinder tail taper angle of 20o, the resulting deformation, the equivalent stress of the cylinder tail is the smallest as well as the deceleration time of the piston is the greatest, thereby increasing the tightness and minimizing the impact of the piston-cylinder collision on the sealing process and the operational reliability of the system. The results after the study are proven experimentally, the experimental results show that the simulation results are reliable and highly applicable. The results of the article are applied to manufacturing and testing 82 mm silent mortar systems.


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How to Cite

T. S. Ngô and Ho Van Khanh, “Research and design the taper angle of a single use piston”, JMST, vol. 86, no. 86, pp. 165–172, Apr. 2023.



Research Articles