Research on the efficiency of household organic waste decomposition by the bin model using Perionyx excavatus in Thai Nguyen province





Decomposed organic waste; Domestic waste treatment; Organic waste; Bin; Perionyx excavatus.


This report represents the initial results of decomposed household organic waste by a bin model using Perionyx excavatus. The model includes a bin cover with a volume of 200 litters that had slots around to plant trees; a core bin with dimensions and height of 20 and 80 cm respectively; a harvest vermicash door and a base. The space between the core bin and the bin cover was filled with soil. The model had been installed at a household in Song Cong city of Thai Nguyen province. The results showed that the model was filled up after 111 days operated. The total of domestic organic waste collected was 45.64 kg, an average of 0.44±0.17 kg per day. The efficiency of decomposed organic waste was 90.56%. Products obtained include vermicash (5.9 kg), the biomass of Perionyx excavatus (150 g) and the biomass of the tree planted on the model (1.1 kg). The model didn’t generate odors, leachate and did not have harmful insects such as mice, cockroaches or flies.


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How to Cite

Vi Thị Mai Hương. “Research on the Efficiency of Household Organic Waste Decomposition by the Bin Model Using Perionyx Excavatus in Thai Nguyen Province”. Journal of Military Science and Technology, no. FEE, Dec. 2022, pp. 199-06, doi:10.54939/1859-1043.j.mst.FEE.2022.199-206.



Research Articles
