Research on formulating ingredients and evaluating the decomposition ability of 2-chloroethyl phenylsulfide by green decontamination based on molybdate
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2-CEPS; Green decontamination; Molypden; Triton X-100.Abstract
This paper presents the results of initial research on investigating the role of some components in green decontamination in the metabolism of 2-chloroethyl phenyl sulfide (a military poison simulant yperit). Each component of green decontamination was investigated and determined to play a role in the detoxification process, including surfactants, catalysts, buffers and oxidizing agents. From the research results, the optimal conditions were selected and initially proposed a detoxifying ingredient with 2-CEPS conversion efficiency of over 99% after 15 minutes. Simultaneously, a number of products have been identified from which the mechanism of 2-CEPS metabolism is proposed.
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