Current status of Phu Hoi river water quality and river water use solutions as a water supply for units stationed along the border line An Giang province



  • Nguyen Van Linh (Corresponding Author) Institute for Tropical Technology and Environmental Protection, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Ngo Van Thanh Huy Institute for Tropical Technology and Environmental Protection, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Nguyen Thi Thuy Institute for Tropical Technology and Environmental Protection, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Nguyen Thanh Tung Institute for Tropical Technology and Environmental Protection, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Tran Anh Khoi Institute for Tropical Technology and Environmental Protection, Academy of Military Science and Technology



Surface water quality; Phu Hoi River; Multivariate analysis.


This article is presented the results of research, assessment about the current situation of surface water in Phu Hoi river and propose solutions to ensure water supply for military units stationed along the Southwest border line in the 9th Military Region. Water quality parameters (pH, N-NH4+, P-PO43-, Cl-, F-, As, Pb, Hg, Cd, Fe, Mn, coliform) were selected for analysis and evaluation. The results showed that surface water was contaminated with P-PO43- and coliform indicators in the survey points all exceeded the limits of surface water quality standards. The results of evaluation among water quality parameters are mostly statistically significant (p<0.05). Principal component analysis extracts three main groups of principal components including PC-1 (Fe, Mn, Hg, Cl-, F-, Cd, Pb, N-NH4+), PC-2 (P-PO43-, Coliform), PC-2 (As, pH) with eigenvalues equal to 1.311, total cumulative variance (cumulative ) respectively interprets 86.0% of the dataset. From the research results, it is possible to assess and forecast the state of surface water quality in the area of the units, thereby proposing solutions to ensure water supply for defensive and combat readiness tasks.


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How to Cite

V. L. Nguyen, V. T. H. Ngo, T. T. Nguyen, T. T. Nguyen, and A. K. Tran, “Current status of Phu Hoi river water quality and river water use solutions as a water supply for units stationed along the border line An Giang province”, JMST, no. VITTEP, pp. 121–129, Dec. 2022.



Research Articles