Evaluation of structural performance of filament wound monotropic composite domes of cylindrical vessels
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Structural performance; Cylindrical composite shells; Composite pressure vessels; Filament winding.Abstract
Following the trend, composite pressure vessels are increasingly being used to replace metal pressure vessels. One criterion for evaluating composite pressure vessels is structural performance (Fp), Fp = pb.V/W = pb.V/(r.Vs), where pb, V, W, r and Vs are failure pressure, internal volume, shell mass, density and shell volume, respectively. Thus, the efficiency of the pressure vessel depends on the composite material parameters, the thickness and thickness distribution on the shell, as well as structural parameters related to the shell profile and coordinates of the polar hole. In turn, the shell thickness and thickness distribution depend on the material's mechanical properties and the winding processing- structural parameters (geodesic, non-geodesic or planar). In order to optimize the design, the paper focuses on determining the influence of some structural and material parameters on the structural performance of filament wound monotropic composite domes of cylindrical vessels.
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