Research the option to determine the roll angle of a rotating unmanned aerial vehicle based on angular rate sensors combined with a single-axis stabilizer platform



  • Hoang Manh Tuong (Corresponding Author) Military Technical Academy
  • Le Hai Military Technical Academy
  • Le Tuan Anh Academy of Military Science and Technology



Roll angle; Micro-mechanical sensor; Stabilizer platform; Anti-tank missile; Rate gyro block; Three degrees of freedom gyroscope.


The article offers a plan to determine the roll angle of the rotating unmanned aerial vehicle by using a gyro block combined with a single-axis stabilizer platform. In which the axis of rotation of the stabilizer platform is placed coincident with the rotation axis of the rotating unmanned aerial vehicle. Placing the gyro block on the stabilizer platform reduces the impact of the high-speed rotation of the missile. Due to the influence of gravity, the rotation of the platform is similar to a pendulum, and its rotation speed is much lower than the rotation speed of the rotating unmanned aerial vehicle. The use of a gyro block that measures angular velocity allows to determine the roll angle of the stabilizer platform. Combined with the information received from the sensor, measuring the angle of rotation between the unmanned aerial vehicle and the stabilizer platform allows to determine the roll angle of the unmanned aerial vehicle. The simulation of the proposed algorithm for determining the roll angle of the unmanned aerial vehicle is done on Matlab/Simulink software.


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How to Cite

Hoàng Mạnh Tưởng, Lê Hải, and T. A. Lê. “Research the Option to Determine the Roll Angle of a Rotating Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Based on Angular Rate Sensors Combined With a Single-Axis Stabilizer Platform”. Journal of Military Science and Technology, vol. 88, no. 88, June 2023, pp. 51-57, doi:10.54939/1859-1043.j.mst.88.2023.51-57.



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