New thyroid scintigraphy datasets: Construction and benchmark assessment in diagnosis of residual thyroid tissue



  • Lai Phu Minh School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology
  • Nguyen Chi Thanh Military Information Technology Institute, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Phung Nhu Hai (Corresponding Author) Military Information Technology Institute, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Dang Nam Thang Medical Equipment of Department, 108 Medical Central Hospital
  • Nguyen Thanh Trung Medical Equipment of Department, 108 Medical Central Hospital
  • Chu Minh Duc Nuclear Medicine of Department, 108 Medical Central Hospital
  • Nguyen Thai Ha School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology
  • Nguyen Duc Thuan School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology



SPECT image; Thyroid scintigraphy; Computer-Aided Diagnosis; Residual thyroid tissue; Transfer learning.


Thyroid scintigraphy, a type of single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) imaging technique that uses radioactive isotopes to capture images of the thyroid gland, helps detect thyroid abnormalities and diagnosing thyroid cancer. A promising research direction for machine learning applications to assist in diagnosis. Most algorithms for detecting and predicting uptake in the thyroid region rely on proprietary or published datasets with unspecified information. This makes comparing the performance among different methods and developing solutions for various problems challenging. To address this issue, we have constructed two standardized datasets of thyroid scintigraphy images for identifying and quantifying the depth. The purpose of designing the models is to establish a benchmark assessment for developing CADx models on the datasets in the future.


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How to Cite

Lại, M., Nguyen Chi Thanh, H. Phung Nhu, Dang Nam Thang, T. Nguyen Thanh, Chu Minh Duc, H. Nguyen Thai, and Nguyen Duc Thuan. “New Thyroid Scintigraphy Datasets: Construction and Benchmark Assessment in Diagnosis of Residual Thyroid Tissue”. Journal of Military Science and Technology, vol. 88, no. 88, June 2023, pp. 131-8, doi:10.54939/1859-1043.j.mst.88.2023.131-138.



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