Study on the effect of lead (II) oxide and lead salicylate combustion catalysts on the combustion rate of RSI brand ballistite propellant



  • Nguyen Duc Long Institute of Propellant and Explosives
  • Pham Van Thuan (Corresponding Author) Institute of Propellant and Explosives
  • Nguyen Van Hung Institute of Propellant and Explosives



Ballistite propellant; RSI propellant; Burning rate; Combustion catalyst.


The article presents the results of the study on the influence of the combustion catalyst content (lead (II) oxide, lead salicylate) on the combustion rate of RSI brand ballistite propellant. The experimental research results obtained the propellant sample when using 1,5% of the mixed system of lead oxide and lead salicylate combustion catalysts (in the mass ratio of 2:1 respectively) the combustion speed in the pressure range ∆P=4÷10 MPa increased the highest (combustion speed at 10 MPa, U=12,15 mm/s) and the coefficient υ depending on the combustion speed at the lowest pressure (υ=0,36), can be used to replace the single lead (II) oxide combustion catalyst system to improve and increase the combustion speed of RSI brand ballistite propellants used in artillery systems, missiles, torpedo launchers,... currently.


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How to Cite

Nguyễn Đức Long, Phạm Văn Thuấn, and Nguyễn Văn Hùng. “Study on the Effect of Lead (II) Oxide and Lead Salicylate Combustion Catalysts on the Combustion Rate of RSI Brand Ballistite Propellant”. Journal of Military Science and Technology, no. IPE, Oct. 2024, pp. 96-103, doi:10.54939/1859-1043.j.mst.IPE.2024.96-103.



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