Synthesis adsorbent materials from coffee husk and determine the efficient removal Chromium(VI) in water



  • Le Hong Minh (Corresponding Author) Institute of New Technology, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Vu Ngoc Toan Institute of New Technology, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Doan Cong Danh Institute of New Technology, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Nguyen Thi Thu Huong Institute of New Technology, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Le Thuy Trang Institute of New Technology, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Hoang Van Luong Hanoi University of Mining and Geology



Adsorption; Coffee husk; Heavy metal contamination; Chromium (VI).


This study introduces the results of the research on the construction of the process of making adsorbent materials from coffee husk and evaluates the applicability to treat Cr(VI) in water. The adsorbent material is made through 2 stages: Pyrolysis at 350 oC, 1 h and impregnation with KOH 1 M, 24 h, pyrolysis 700 oC, 2 h. Materials were evaluated for their properties and factors that affect the adsorption process. The results showed that the treatment efficiency of Cr(VI) in water reached 98,72% at pH 3, 180 minutes and the adsorption material ratio was 0,5 g/100 mL. The pseudo-sencond-order kinetic model and the Langmuir isothermal adsorption model were suitable for describing the adsorption process of materials with Cr(VI).


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How to Cite

Lê Hồng Minh, Vũ Ngọc Toán, Đoàn Công Danh, Nguyễn Thị Thu Hương, Lê Thùy Trang, and Hoàng Văn Lương, “Synthesis adsorbent materials from coffee husk and determine the efficient removal Chromium(VI) in water”, JMST, no. FEE, pp. 249–254, Dec. 2024.



Chemistry, Biology & Environment

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