Research on selecting the F propellant composition and developing the propulsion equation for the launching bomb using Matlab software



  • Nguyen Van Hung Institute of Propellant and Explosives
  • Tran Huu Thanh Institute of Propellant and Explosives
  • Hoang Van Hung Institute of Propellant and Explosives
  • Le Viet Ha (Corresponding Author) Institute of Propellant and Explosives



Keywords: Launch Bomb; Ballistite solid rocket propellant; Propellant F; Projectile motion.


The paper presents the basis for selecting the F propellant composition for the launching bomb and developing the propulsion algorithm using Matlab software. Theoretical and experimental research results highlight the impact of certain components on energy characteristics and ballistic performance, leading to the establishment of requirements for the F propellant. This forms a critical foundation for setting technical conditions to develop a new F propellant grade with properties equivalent to those of foreign products.


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How to Cite

Nguyễn Văn Hùng, Trần Hữu Thành, Hoàng Văn Hùng, and Lê Viết Hà. “Research on Selecting the F Propellant Composition and Developing the Propulsion Equation for the Launching Bomb Using Matlab Software”. Journal of Military Science and Technology, no. IPE, Oct. 2024, pp. 220-7, doi:10.54939/1859-1043.j.mst.IPE.2024.220-227.



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